
Is the Keto Diet Right for You?

  Is the Keto Diet Right for You? Are you interested in losing weight? Are you tired of diets that advocate low or no fats and crave your high fat meats? You may well be considering going on the keto diet, the new kid on the block. Endorsed by many celebrities including Halle Berry, LeBron James and Kim Kardashian among others, the keto diet has been the subject of much debate among dietitians and doctors. Do you wonder if the keto diet is safe and right for you? What is the ketogenic diet anyway? You must be aware that the body uses sugar in the form of glycogen to function. The keto diet that is extremely restricted in sugar forces your body to use fat as fuel instead of sugar, since it does not get enough sugar. When the body does not get enough sugar for fuel, the liver is forced to turn the available fat into ketones that are used by the body as fuel - hence the term ketogenic. This diet is a high fat diet with moderate amounts of protein. Depending on your carb intake the bod...

“The only pills that target the root cause of stubborn fat”

  “The only pills that target the root cause of stubborn fat” From my own experience with weight loss, I can say that “ProVen" is a perfect supplement for those who are struggling to lose fat. I have tried a lot of diets, most of them were based only on cutting down the calories but I can tell you for sure that is not the answer. I was in despair until I discovered PrVen. This is the only supplement that targets the route cause of fat, elevated hormone levels due to toxic pollutants from the modern world. I have not only lost a LOT of weight but I feel healthier, my blood sugar levels are returning to normal ranges and I feel like a new person. For anyone sitting on the fence I would highly recommend giving ProVen a try for yourself.

How to Fulfil Your Duty As a Human Being in Corona Crisis?

  How to Fulfil Your Duty As a Human Being in Corona Crisis? A patient look towards the global economy in these times of Covid-19, and you will realize that the entire human race will have to go through a complete makeover. But yes, there are two options - you can either face with confidence or cow down in fear. After some weeks, you will have no option but to make one choice. In this article, you gain information on how to fulfil your duty as a human being in Corona Crisis. Corona virus has showed the human race that it does not care for any caste, creed or any religion. To stay alive, you need to follow a set of rules put forward by the Government and medical agencies. About Covid-19 Many a scientist feared a Third World War will wipe the entire human race off Mother Earth. The Covid-19 situation has shown a virus can bring more destruction to all parts of the world than a nuclear war or bomb. The entire scientist community were struggling to save the environment at all cost, and...

10 Top Foods to Lose Weight

  10 Top Foods to Lose Weight Let's talk about foods to lose weight. There are certain foods that boost metabolic rate and encourage your body to burn calories and melt away stored fat to leave you slim, healthy and fit. While you can find a more extensive list of 38 different foods to lose weight on our website, here are some of the 10 top recommendations by many nutritionists and fitness experts. 1. Choose foods which are rich in calories. Eat smaller quantities of dishes like soups, salads and smoothies that help lose weight. They package nutrients densely and the calorie concentration helps weight loss. 2. Include food with a high fiber content. Eat raw vegetables and fruits that not only have nutrients, minerals, vitamins and enzymes but are also rich in fiber. The fiber content slows down absorption of sugar, which in turn influences insulin metabolism and reduces fat deposition. 3. Avoid starch-rich food. Whole grain, pasta and foodstuffs rich in carbs are best avoided if yo...

Top 5 Tips For Hassle-Free Winter Grilling

  Top 5 Tips For Hassle-Free Winter Grilling Most people would pack up their grill when the cold weather starts to set in. Contrary to popular belief, grilling is not only for the summer time - it can be enjoyed year round. Some would even say that winter is a great time for a barbecue because nothing will warm you up better than a sizzling piece of grilled steak! Here are 5 useful winter grilling tips to try for some nice cold weather barbecue: Find a good spot to grill When you grill during winter, you not only need to fight the cold, but the winds, too. On the day you are grilling, identify the direction that the wind blows most often and find a good spot that would protect you from it while you're cooking, ideally near your house or a structure. Another good spot would be near where your supplies are (like your kitchen) to lessen the number of steps you have to take from there to your grill. Have extra fuel It's important to remember that you will use up more gas or propane...

Low Carb Diet: Miracle or Myth?

  Low Carb Diet: Miracle or Myth? A low carb diet that tightly restricts the intake of carbohydrates is very effective at regulating the hormone insulin. Insulin is what controls glucose uptake by cells from the blood. In this way, insulin regulates blood sugar levels. The glucose that is absorbed into cells is then used to meet energy requirements. When there's more glucose than the cell requires for energy, the excess is stored in the form of fat. In a recent report in one of the leading medical journals, a low carb diet was found to bring down insulin levels in the blood by 27% and enhancing the sensitivity of cells to the hormone simultaneously. As a result of this effect, glucose is metabolized normally without any stress on other organs or systems to produce extra insulin - a factor that has been held responsible for weight gain and development of diabetes later on. To put it simply, a low carb diet helps improve glucose metabolism and safeguards against diabetes. To see how ...

How To Lose Back Fat Without Pain Or Struggle

  How To Lose Back Fat Without Pain Or Struggle When you're looking for information about how to lose back fat, three things come straight to mind. Eating healthy keeps fat off. Achieving a calorie deficit helps melt away excess fat. And exercise keeps back muscles strong and burns off love handles and bra bulges. But sometimes it is easy to get rid of back fat without doing any of these 3 things! One simple way to deal with excess back fat is to wear a better fitted bra. Underwear that's too tight or improperly fitted causes fat under the skin to bulge above and below the strap. The result is ugly folds over the back which appear worse than they really are. If you try out different kinds of bra to find one that fits better, you may seem to lose back fat instantly. In fact, there are brassieres designed specially to conceal rolls of fat and make you look sleek. A nice fringe benefit is that a well fitted bra is also more comfortable and can be worn without discomfort for a long...