Different Visions Of America: 7 Examples

 Different Visions Of America: 7 Examples

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Does it seem, to you, because it does to several others, one among the explanations , our nation is so divided, is there are different visions, held, of what, this nation, means (and should mean), and represent, and the way we'd like , to proceed forward, into the future? When Donald Trump proclaims his famous slogan, Make America Great Again, it creates, different emotions, views, and beliefs, in what meaning and represents, and whether, it's an honest , or bad thing! Today's, America, is, perhaps, the foremost divided, in recent memory, and attempting to urge all or most factions, to figure together, for the commonweal , often, seems, nearly - impossible! counting on perspective, and political/ personal beliefs, preferences, etc, there seems to be, significantly, differing visions for what this nation should be, and represent! thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 7 examples, and why they're significant.

1. Benefit the few, versus, the many: Many policies, etc, we've witnessed, these past few years, have seemed to benefit the wealthiest people, and largest corporations, and done little, for many others! This has been true, on many occasions, including: the tax reform legislation, passed in 2017; favored treatment surely friends, associates, and donors, etc; how stimulus monies were divided, during this pandemic, etc.

2. Equal rights, versus, selective ones: No American document, mentions, selective enforcement of these freedoms, rights, and justice, for - all, but accentuates, equal ones, for everybody , no matter status, etc! While there are many reasons, for the degree of unrest, during this nation, one among the areas, which seems to be dividing us, is, this administration's lack, of support, for addressing a number of the various areas, and components, of systemic racism!

3. Environment: Although, for many years , our Presidents have attempted to guard the environment, and create/ enforce certain essential regulations, especially, in terms of, clean air, and water, etc, President Trump, has signed numerous Executive Orders, to reduce, eliminate, and oppose these measures. While, he claims, doing so, will benefit the state , economically, etc, others state, doing so, will harm future generations, and safer, healthier living!

4. global climate change : Nearly every reputable, scientist, and climate expert, states, Climate Change, isn't only real, but, a clear, potential danger to the world's sustainability, Trump withdrew us from the Paris Accords, and claims, it's a mixture of a hoax, and a radical idea! His vision is, it costs an excessive amount of , to take care of these regulations!

5. Populism, versus, Sustainable: Many politicians proceed, with populist rhetoric, which emphasizes, some existing/ present, populist theme/ challenge, etc, while others, realize, if we do not proceed, consistently, during a well - considered, relevant, sustainable way, we lose, within the bigger - picture!

6. Love, versus, hate one's neighbors: Trump's focus seems to be adversarial, and polarizing, often, blaming, and complain, and faulting individuals/ groups, like immigrants, specific ethnicities/ races, etc, his political opponents, and other nations, etc. However, doesn't it seem to form sense , if we do not seek to figure together, for the greater good, and work diligently, to make a gathering - of - the - minds, everyone loses?

7. Unifying, versus, polarizing: In recent memory, most folks , cannot remember, the other public leader, who appeared to be, such a polarizing influence, as this President. He seems to believe, it works for him, but wouldn't unifying us, make America greater, and considerably, saner?

There are differing visions, and preferences, in today's America. How we proceed, forward, will probably, determine, our future!


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